Jul 15, 2009

a topless teaching

I’ve recently taken the major step of occasionally disrobing my torso while running. While this may be a common practice among male runners, I had formerly been disinclined to surrender to this trend for reasons ranging from modesty to a general awareness and disdain of "the jiggling factor" that often accompanies said exposure. Now please understand that my recent revealing was not brought on by a newly emerging exhibitionist proclivity, but has arisen instead from rather pragmatic and pressing contingencies. Profuse sweat proceeding from my head and into my eyes is often the catalyst for the removal of my shirt so that I may simply have a cloth with which to mop my brow. If my shirt is drenched, I’ve also been inclined as of late to remove it so as to be free from its soggy cling. Yes, this freedom was, in part, forged by the observation that the jiggling factor has decreased; however, as indicated above, vanity was not the impetus for this unveiling… experience was.

So let us ruminate on the power of expediency and how it can take precedence over even modesty. Let us also think on vanity and how, in those with depraved dispositions, it too takes priority over a diffident display. Finally, let us consider that we cannot always judge by appearances the difference between the two, since sometimes they may look alike-- bare chested.


  1. very well. a function versus form argument.

    i ran without a shirt once.

    and the motive was entirely vanity driven. during this particular run, in broad daylight, i found i was suffering from BNS (like PMS in a way). i quickly deduced a bare-chested run with jiggle factor would be less humiliating than a BNS run with a shirt on. :)

  2. haha...BNS. i have yet to experience said phenomenon, but the tales of your experience are legendary.
