Jul 16, 2009

Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future

Indeed, Mr. Miller, truer words are hard to come by. I would add, however, that the more it slips the faster it seems to do so. Like a biker who progressively gains speed as she barrels downhill, so life moves with such increased celerity with every passing year. Hell, every passing week seems to contain less time than the one before it. If perception is everything and appearance reality, then the reciprocal rule to quickening time is that prenatal existence and infancy must have entailed eons. Childhood would have sped up some, but we still lived in a slower space-time-continuum back then.

I remember epic summers that went on for years as we explored the Australian pine woods up the street, walked the fences around the house, rode bikes up 7-11 to play Punch Out, spent hours on Atari, watched Star Trek reruns, etc. And if summers were long, the school year was a frigging ice age. Inching along infinitesimally with its glacier pace, school moved in on the childhood delight of those lengthy summers like the doldrums of the dark ages.

Yes, time is moving along more quickly with each passing moment. I guess it’s all the same in the end though. Because while our summers may be shorter, so too are our semesters.


  1. look at your prolific writing self.

    its really interesting when youre on the fast time continuum (i want to enjoy this before it slips away!) and someone else in your arena is on the slow time continuum (when is this ever going to be over!).

  2. yes, that's a good point. it seems time often works against our intentions or desires.
