It’s a fact, whether in sports, music or movies, that certain stars rise to iconic status while others do not. Certainly talent is involved in their ascent, but often there is something else that contributes to the transformation. After all, there are many actors, singers, and athletes who have great skill, yet never receive the public adoration and worship that those select few experience. Perhaps in addition to the talent factor is the issue of timing. They often arise in the midst of a transitional time period, when society and culture are dramatically changing and the icons represent that shift into the new era – e.g. the Beatles. I think tenure can also play a part in such ascensions. If you’re in the public eye and ear long enough and loud enough you become a household name an eventually an icon.
Michael Jackson attained iconic status quite some time ago and to a degree that only a few in history have. Perhaps one or all of these factors (talent, timing, and tenure) contributed to his rise, but one has to wonder if there was an additional freak factor. (*Please note: I was going to use ‘eccentric’ here in order not to deviate from decorum which dictates never speak ill of the deceased, but alas, I was bound by alliteration {and the general appropriateness of the word in this context}). Had MJ not dangled his infant out of a second story window, purchased a cryogenic coffin, sealed his face with a surgical mask, sealed his face with surgery, owned a monkey named Bubbles, built a creepy theme park for kids, committed some act with one of them that warranted a 22 million dollar pay off, and changed his race (to name a few fiascos), perhaps he would simply have gone down in history as a great 80s pop star. Instead, due to his “eccentricity”, we now need a national day of mourning for Michael, a funeral that could bankrupt California, and so many magazines, forthcoming books, “best of”/ mix albums, dolls, and toys, and underwear, and white gloves, and mounds and mounds of ridicules refuse all bearing his image. Because why?… well, he was the king of pop—talented tenured, and twisted representing a transition into a twisted era.
Michael Jackson attained iconic status quite some time ago and to a degree that only a few in history have. Perhaps one or all of these factors (talent, timing, and tenure) contributed to his rise, but one has to wonder if there was an additional freak factor. (*Please note: I was going to use ‘eccentric’ here in order not to deviate from decorum which dictates never speak ill of the deceased, but alas, I was bound by alliteration {and the general appropriateness of the word in this context}). Had MJ not dangled his infant out of a second story window, purchased a cryogenic coffin, sealed his face with a surgical mask, sealed his face with surgery, owned a monkey named Bubbles, built a creepy theme park for kids, committed some act with one of them that warranted a 22 million dollar pay off, and changed his race (to name a few fiascos), perhaps he would simply have gone down in history as a great 80s pop star. Instead, due to his “eccentricity”, we now need a national day of mourning for Michael, a funeral that could bankrupt California, and so many magazines, forthcoming books, “best of”/ mix albums, dolls, and toys, and underwear, and white gloves, and mounds and mounds of ridicules refuse all bearing his image. Because why?… well, he was the king of pop—talented tenured, and twisted representing a transition into a twisted era.
M.J. sadly, turned out to be a pedophile freak in the end. His 80's music was actually pretty decent. I don't understand why he was so obsessed with becoming "unblack".