Apr 14, 2010

Against the wind

"The wind blows wherever it pleases, you hear it's sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." - Jesus

So, in the last couple months I gained about 8 of the 20 pounds I lost during the last year and half. I think it's due to the fact that I've been running sporadically, and eating not so sporadically. I ran today though... a good long run. It was a bit breezey at times.. The interesting thing about running against the wind on a hot day is that it hinders and helps your progress. On the one hand it blows me back, which requires more exertion to continue the pace I want to keep. But on the other hand, the breeze cools me off on a hot day lowering my body temperature and thereby providing me with more stamina to continue running. In the end I prefer the breeze. It's a refreshing reminder of the wind of God's Spirit. Once it wafts your way, your road gets rougher, but your run gets sweeter.


  1. Why in the blue blazes would you wants something that when "it wafts your way, your road gets rougher"???

    Completely non-sensicle, unless you are "a glutton for punishment".

  2. did you only read half of the post?
