Mar 30, 2010

naps: naughty or needful?

i've been on quite a nap kick lately. it's not that i choose to take a nap, it's more like the nap chooses to take me. i'm sitting on the couch grading papers on the computer, and next think you know i'm out. or else i realize the futility of resisting and i curl up all fetal like on our little two seat sofa. or i simiply let my head fall backwards and pass out. it's a recent phenomenon, but i wonder if perhaps since i succombed to it the first few times, my body now demands it everyday. on the one hand i thoroughly enjoy the nap, but then again, i'm losing precious hours that need to be spent working. this is part of the reason i've been making my way to a local coffee shop to do my work, but i've even fallen asleep there. am i on my way toward narcolepsy?! maybe all the sleep deprivation that i've experienced lately is taking me down that road. i've heard that quitting coffee can help increase your energy. don't know if i even want to believe that. but the thing is, when this nap necessity happens, coffee won't even touch it. for now i guess i'll limit the naps, if possible, to 30 mins. sometimes that recharges me enough to get back to work. other times i'm stuck in bed for 1-2 hours. just woke up from a 20, so i better take advantage of my energy and get back to work before it takes me again.

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