Mar 28, 2010

dog porn

I remember a bike ride I took a few months ago. Toward the end of it, I came across two dogs in someone's front yard behind a chain linked fence having sex. There they were right out in the open doing their thing. It seemed kind of bizarre to me. I mean obviously it's perfectly natural, but i guess it was the openness of it that caught me off guard. Here I am riding by, and they see me, but just keep on doing it anyway. There was no running off into the bushes or anything like that. They just.. well, you know.

The awkwardness of it made me reflect on a basic difference between man and animal. You don't see this kind of behavior amongst humans. Even if a couple decides they need new scenery to spice things up, they're going to generally find an isolated place to hook up. And they're not going to look too kindly on anyone interrupting their session. Doubtless you've heard the expression, or seen the bumper sticker "if the van is rockin', don't come a knockin;."

There is quite an enormous exception though when it comes to this human need for coitus concealment...pornography. I say enormous because it's one of the largest money making industries in the world. The purpose of pornography, of course, is to provide erotic stimulus to the purchaser of said entertainment through the exposure of the sexual exploits of others. This industry then makes its money by steering humans away from their innate sense of mating modesty and moving them toward a voyeuristic openness. It seems to me, such a move is a clear behavioral regression. It's a slide downwards away from true humanity toward a more bestial state of being. It's remarkably similar, in fact, to dogs having sex in the front yard behind a chain linked fence.

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