Oct 13, 2009

yin and yang - achieving balance at chic-fil-a

so i’m sitting in chic-fil-a freezing my ass off because they have the a/c turned down to like 50. i’m on the computer working for a couple hours when i decide that i can’t take it anymore, so i go outside instead. it’s probably close to 90 out here, but i have my iced tea, so i can endure it for about an hour. but then it's too much; i have to come back into the arctic before my shirt is soaked and the seat of my pants seems to indicate incontinence. i decide to get a coffee to help cut the edge off the cold, and it works for a while. but soon i’m shivering again and make another move for the outdoors. by now it’s after 5pm and overcast and no drinks are necessary.

1 comment:

  1. because of this post i went and had a combo #1 at chik-fil-a. you moved me sir.
