Jul 29, 2009

minutes in the making -- work and play

So I’m sitting out here at the tiki bar by the pool at a little Marriot resort just south of Ft. Pierce. I have a nice buzz going from a rum and coke that I mixed in the room and a beer I purchased at the bar that I’m milking with magnanimous leisure. In the reflection of my computer I see my wife and neighbor tossing my daughter around in the pool, and her priceless giggle is filling my ears with a joy that little else can match. Could life be any better at this moment? Well… yes, it could. The reason I’m on the computer is because I’m the middle of an online teaching term. I could be in the pool, playing with reckless abandon, but my conscience demands some measure of diligence and discipline even on our miniature vacation. Purpose and play (sigh). Sometimes I’d like to do away with the former and live it up in the latter. But even if I could, the novelty of that notion would only last so long… I know. Still it’s hard not to be in moment; it’s hard to straddle the life of leisure and livelihood. I’d eagerly give my all to each and not temper the one by the other, but it’s difficult to manage this menagerie of minutes which we’ve been given. God, give me wisdom.


  1. the working stiff in a dead end job, stuck working 60 hours a week, in a dingy 4X4 cubicle, with a boss looking over his shoulder, having to skip lunch so he can get his report done so as not to get fired is going to have difficulty mustering sympathy for your dilemma. ;)

  2. "of course, the argument could be made that in your particular situation compartmentalizing play when at work and visa-versa would be more difficult and trying given youre usually in the midst of both." he said trying to smooth over the potential harshness of his original comment.
