Mar 18, 2010

pink squishy ball

i observed my daughter and her cousin playing the other day. my daughter was off in her own world and quite happy to play with some little glittery sticker that she found. that is until she noticed that her cousin grabbed from her toy box a squishy, pink ball. then she became discontent and desired to play with the ball too. kids, i thought, what makes them so possessive?

i was reminded later of a shameful time during my courtship with my wife. i had wandering eyes while on a trip which led later to communication between myself and another woman. my wife (then girlfriend) discovered an indicting piece of evidence and broke up with me. we stayed friends for a while , and eventually our relationship budded again. but i really didn't have a lot of interest in pursuing things much beyond the "a little more than friends" level. that is until...she told me she was going on a date with another man. soon thereafter, my comittment level dramatically increased, and eventually we were engaged and married. i guess i just couldn't let anyone else play with my pink, squishy ball.

1 comment:

  1. funny.
    pink squishy ball. is that what theyre calling it these days?
