Mar 22, 2010

Highway Hypocrisy

I became starkly aware of my own hypocrisy today. As I drove, I noticed that a car in front of me didn't speed up enough to prevent some interloper from butting in line to make a right hand turn for which the rest of us were waiting patiently . I was pissed at the man who presumptously passed this line of cars to esteem himself and his schedule more than the rest of us and ours, and I was none too happy with the guy in front of me for not driving more assertively to prevent such a usurper. But it soon settled on me that the driver that cut in front of us all could very well have been me on another day. After all, I've done the same thing many times. In fact, I even get irritated with drivers who try to prevent me from making such an obnoxious maneuver (drivers like me). I guess on any given day I can play the cop or the criminal. Oh...the double standard!

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