Aug 24, 2009

When Falling Feels Good

After crashing into the concrete during my jog this evening and feeling rather rejuvinated as a result, I decided to come up with this list. Take "falling" literally or figuratively; I think it works either way.

Falling feels good when:

1) You're able to get back up immediately and keep running
2) You realize someone saw you fall, get up immediately, and keep running
3) There is no shame involved
4) It breaks up the monotony
5) (Along similar lines as number 4) It macerates the mundane
6) Your face is not involved in the stopping of the toppling
7) You learn something from your fall
8) You don't learn something from your fall
9) The sting of the gravel in your scrape reminds you to keep up the pace because you lost time
10) Let's be honest... Falling feels good when it's not concrete that's underneath you

1 comment:

  1. i agree, it makes the run feel more adventurous when you fall and skin a knee. the same goes for a bike ride.
