I find myself increasingly contemptuous of those who say they have no regrets. The line typically goes something like this. Yeah, I’ve made mistakes, but I learn from them. I don’t have any regrets. My question is: what did those mistakes entail? Doubtless, you hurt someone while making these mistakes. Why wouldn’t you regret an action that caused pain in someone else’s life? I’ve come to believe that this attitude represents a rather prevalent societal paradigm geared toward an egocentric individualism which refuses to acknowledge the sin present in self and the ramifications of said sin in the lives of others. In short, there is no moral reckoning with a person who lives under this banner. This “no regrets” notion coupled with the "I did it my way" mantra represents the worst that modernity has had to offer. And it’s fruit? A generation of self-centered, individualistic, over consuming, under nourished, arrogant, ignorant, morally bankrupt nerdowells with an entitlement mentality the size of New Orleans.
It is not doubtless that you hurt someone with your mistake. For example, as a novice while trying to save money by repairing your car yourself, you accidentally ruined an expensive part, hurting no one but yourself.
ReplyDeleteTrue enough. Although, I'm not claiming that all mistakes hurt people, simply that very shortly in the course of someone's life, he/she will hurt someone else. So, why not regret that mistake insead of touting a ife of "no regrets"
ReplyDeleteTrue, but most of the the time, only people's feelings are hurt. If hurting feelings were a crime, virtually everybody would be in jail!