When destinations are uncertain there's a thick fog that hangs over my head. I get fidgety searching for something to grab hold of, some future goal to shoot for or a vision to embrace. It can get obssessive at times. I remember about a year before grad school I began the college catalog rampage. In a matter of months I had looked at them all. I knew all of the degree programs out there, and yet I was still surfing the web in a desperate attempt to find new ones. Something about the college catalog is very appealing to me in the midst of uncertainty. I find myself saying, I could always go into archaelalogy. Yeah, I'll check out all the degree programs that have anything to do with that. Perhaps it's the excitement of charting a new course that I like about looking at college catalogs. But there's something unhealthy there, I know. Because now that some future goals are uncertain (or delayed at best), I find myself in a state of unrest without the comforting mechanism of the catalog to obsess about. It's the INFP in me, I know.
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