i slept for about an hour last night. this and other recent nights of similar sleep deprivation have made me ponder my prepubescent aspirations to engage in insane episodes of forced insomnia. why were all-nighters ever appealing to me? why did i always want to stay up late as a child? it seems so bizzare to me now, because rest is all i really want anymore.
it makes me more sympathetic to the plight of the cat for two reasons. first, on the surface level, cat's sleep 19+hours a day. enough said about that. second, and slightly more profound, cats always want to be on the other side of the door behind which they currently find themselves. e.g. our inside cat wants out, and our outside cats want in. i guess i'm an outside cat now and i was an inside cat when i was young. why do i say that? because right now i really want in so i can jump on that big fluffy, pillow infested, blanket covered, squishy, lovely, wonderful bed.
good night, folks!
get some sleep lad.