Aug 27, 2009

identity and vocation

I feel the dream in me expire
And there's no one left to blame it on
-Seether (from "Fine Again")

It seems to me the loss of one's life dream, goal, calling significantly stifles hope. Especially when this dream is so attached to the identity of the individual in question. Mental, physical, and emotional lethargy linger when expectations are unmet and dreams are derailed. At what points are vocation and calling appropriately concentric with identity and purpose? At what points do/should they diverge?


  1. The key is to have a plethora of them, then if one falls by the wayside, it is no big deal!

  2. probably nobody meets their dreams or callings entirely. even those that think they do, are likely horribly disappointed such that they think, "what have i done? this isnt what i thought at all! this calling socks deek"

    we idealize our dreams but when it boils down to it nothing (on earth) is what it was cracked up to be.

    think cs lewis's discussion on longings:
    our longings were intended to bring us to realize that they were not what we were longing for anyway.

  3. It is not good to be a "Monday morning quarterback". It is best to just accept that you did the best you could have under the circumstances.
