But for some reason, as of late, I find myself enjoying the same tunes that I once anathematized. I listened to "What it Takes" the other day two or three times in a row! What's up with that? But not only did I listen to it, I lip synced the hell out of it (maybe I'm confessing too much here). My main point and question is: How do musical preferences swing so drastically like that in such a relatively short period of time? Okay, okay...it's been at least 18 years. But regardless, it's a little disconcerting. I mean, Aerosmith! Who's next... Poison?! (Please God, no!)
Maybe this is the sign of my progressing age. Since I, like you, Arcturus, am showing very little sign of physical aging (with the exception of emerging hair in diverse places), perhaps reverting to the "oldies" is my brain's way of reminding me that I'm no longer a teenager... nor a twenty something, but rather am progressing inexorably toward a number I am disinclined to mention.